Tuning A Guitar
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The tuning of a guitar is absolutely important. Even one or two strings slightly out of tune makes the whole thing sound bad. If you are playing for hours each day, you would want to make sure that the guitar is properly tuned on a daily basis. Otherwise once a week or every few days should be fine.
You can pick up a decent guitar tuner for only about $20 from a music store, and make sure it has a visual display. Tuning each string at a time, it takes only about 10 – 30 seconds to do the whole thing. If you are ever without a guitar tuner for what ever reason, you can still do it manually.
To tune a guitar manually, you need at least one string initially in correct tune. You can hear sound files of the net to do this. Next you want to make sure that every string is exactly five half notes (frets) apart. To do this for example with the two lowest strings, “E” and “A”, hold the “E” string on the 5th fret and make sure it produces exactly the same sound as the “A” string (assuming “A” is already tuned correctly). This is the case with all strings except for “G” and “B” which are only four half notes (frets) apart.
Once all strings are done, make sure that they are all in harmony with each other (E.g. the “A” is exactly 10 half notes from the “G” string, as they are two strings apart). Do this all the way from the highest to the lowest string.
Also, be sure to replace your strings about every four to six months as they wear out.
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